Sunday, January 18, 2009

Birthday/ Daniel's Farewell

My 20th birthday was great! A few days before we had birthday cake with some people in my ward, and that was a lot of fun! Emily made the cake and organized the whole thing! Thanks girl, you are the best roommate ever! On Friday night I went to dinner at Texas Roadhouse with my family and got a journal and $100 dollars from grandpa and sherin! Then I got the cutest zebra suitcase and two new pair of converse tennis shoes and an I love Dr. McSteamy t-shirt(he is my favorite doctor on Grey's Anatomy) from my mom, grandma, and sisters. On my birthday I went shopping with mom and the sisters and we went to Bride Wars. It was the cutest movie ever! I loved it! I went to dinner with Dimitri that night and loved it!! 

Smiling at my party! 

Today was my friend Daniel's farwell. I have known him for 8 years! It's crazy to think about that. He is headed to Belgium and the Netherlands on January 28th. He is going to be an absolutely amazing missionary I just know it. I am going to miss him so much! He has been such a great friend, and will continue to be such an amazing friend and influence in my life. I love you Daniel! You are the best! 

Me and Daniel.. we've been through tons together, and I have loved every minute of it! 

Daniel with his two main girls! 

Me and my best friend that I met through Daniel :] Love you Lynds! 

Daniel and ALL of his girls.. we love this boy! 

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